Today's Reading


Gravigna, a small town in the Chianti Hills of Tuscany
A Monday in May, 5:05 a.m.

Nico's cold feet searched under the bedcovers for Nelli's warm ones, found them and dropped back into his dream. In the adjacent room a cell phone started to ring, heard only by OneWag, curled up on the sofa. The dog raised his head seeking the source of the persistent sound. The thing on the table. He allowed himself a low growl of protest. He'd been chasing rabbits. The ringing continued. OneWag jumped down, padded over to the bedroom door and pushed it open with a vigorous thrust of his snout.

The louder ringing finally woke Nelli. She lifted herself up on one elbow and nudged Nico's back. "Wake up, your phone is ringing."

Nico hugged his pillow. "Mmmm, no. Yours."

"Wrong. Mine's right here by the bedside table." She glanced at the clock radio and started shaking Nico's shoulder. "Get up, Nico. It's five in the morning. It must be important."

Nico mumbled, "It's some joker having fun."

"You're impossible." Nelli started to climb over him to get to the phone.

Nico pushed her back. "I'll go. I'll go." He gave her a quick kiss on the nose and grunted out of bed. Yesterday's mind-blowing meal was still sitting heavily in his stomach, and he took his time reaching the phone.

Seeing Nico, OneWag wagged his tail in greeting but was ignored. Miffed, he jumped back on the sofa and gave Nico his back. The ringing stopped just as Nico picked the phone off the table. He rubbed his eyes to read. Missed call. Great. Back to sleep. As he turned back, the ringing resumed. Perillo's name gave Nico a jolt. He swiped. "What's wrong?"

"I need your help."

"Are you okay?"

"Just fine. For the past twenty minutes I've been standing with a dead woman at my feet and an alive English one who doesn't speak Italian."

"Do you want me to talk to her?"


In strongly accented English, Perillo said, "Signora Barron, my friend speak English." Then Nico heard a strong female voice declare, "Thank God for small mercies," followed by the sound of soft footsteps and Perillo's phone changing hands.

"Sir, what has happened to my friend is an abomination. I will not say any more until we can speak in person."

After the phone shifted hands again, Perillo asked, "What did she say?"

"She wants me to come over. Where are you?"

"A few kilometers south of Vignamaggio. Just past a very sharp curve you'll see an uphill road flanked by cypress trees. The villa is on top of the hill. Villa Salviati."

"Give me time to get dressed and I'll be there." Nico clicked off.

"Who was that?" Nelli called out. She was out of bed, tying her wool bathrobe around her waist.

"Perillo." Nico walked to the bedroom and started dressing.

"What happened?"

Nico told her while he buttoned up a plaid collared shirt.

Nelli handed him his gray corduroy slacks. "Who died?"

"I didn't ask."

"How sad." Nelli's forehead creased. "A heart attack?"

Nico didn't think the carabinieri would get called for a suspected heart attack but said nothing. There was no point in alarming Nelli. He reached for the dark blue sweater she had given him for Christmas. "I don't know."

Nelli crossed herself as she walked to the stove. OneWag jumped off the sofa and ran to greet her. She picked up the dog and kissed his head. "I'll put the moka on."

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